Ginger: A Natural Remedy for High Temperature

Ginger is an effective natural remedy for high temperature. Its antibacterial properties make it an effective treatment for fever, cough, and other common symptoms.

Ginger: A Natural Remedy for High Temperature

When it comes to treating high temperature, ginger is a natural remedy that has been used for centuries. Its antibacterial properties make it an effective treatment for fever, cough, and other common symptoms. In response to a questionnaire, some subjects reported that their high body temperature was maintained after drinking a ginger drink. The base drink described in the study was used as a placebo drink, while the base drink containing 0.116% of ginger extract was used as a ginger drink for the tests.

The temperature of the palm of the hand after treatment with ginger was maintained for up to 40 minutes, while that of the placebo group decreased (+1.9 °C versus 0 min). The paired t-tests showed that the temperature of the palm of the hand was significantly higher in the ginger treatment than in the placebo treatment, at 20 (p = 0.01), 30 (p = 0.01) and 40 minutes (p = 0.04) after ingestion. Turmeric root mixed with ginger root or powder can be boiled in water to form a thick decoction that protects against viral infections. Commercially available ginger drinks, such as ginger beer, contain low levels of gingerols (data not shown). A healthy woman with sensitivity to cold drank a placebo or ginger drink (677 μg of gingerols, including 6-gingerol and 6-shogaol) in the afternoon. The sensory analytical test showed that the ginger content tended to be proportional to the intensity of the aftertaste and the itch, but there were no significant differences between the drinks of 0.116% and 0.35% (figure 4 (b)).

In the subjects who drank the ginger drink, the temperature of the palm of the hand remained after 10 minutes the same after 60 minutes. However, the temperature of the palm after ingesting ginger continued to rise up to 20 minutes (up to +4.6°C versus 0 min), while the temperature of the palm after ingesting placebo decreased after 10 minutes (+2.3°C versus 0 min). The temperature of the palm of the hand increased 20, 40 and 60 minutes after consuming the ginger drink compared to the drink of a placebo. In conclusion, this evidence suggests that ginger extract has a hyperthermic response, regardless of the temperature of the beverage. This natural remedy is an effective way to maintain high body temperature and protect against viral infections.

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