How Much Ginger Should Women Take Daily?

Ginger is widely used in traditional Asian medicine systems to treat various ailments. Learn more about the benefits & safety of taking ginger daily.

How Much Ginger Should Women Take Daily?

Typical doses of ginger used in research studies range from one to three grams per day. However, lower and higher doses have also been used to treat various health conditions. Mioga ginger and its components have been found to suppress the generation of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, as well as the expression of inducible pro-inflammatory genes in macrophages. A study comparing ginger and Dimenhydrinate in the treatment of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy showed promising results.

Additionally, ginger has been found to help control some types of cancer, as well as reduce plasma glucose levels, HbA1c and insulin sensitivity in type 2 diabetic patients. It is also widely used in traditional Asian medicine systems, such as traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), to treat various ailments. Ginger may also help stimulate weight loss by increasing fat burning, inhibiting fat absorption in the digestive tract and reducing appetite. Studies on both humans and animals have shown that ginger can lower blood sugar levels, affect blood pressure factors, and act as an anticoagulant. It has also been found to reduce postoperative nausea and vomiting in patients undergoing abdominal hysterectomy. Research suggests that ginger may be beneficial for people with osteoarthritis because it reduces joint inflammation and the intensity of pain.

However, the doses studied are much higher than those that are obtained from natural sources. According to official scientific opinion, ginger is safe for pregnant women and has no side effects. Ginger extract has been found to reduce delayed gastric emptying and nosocomial pneumonia in adult patients with respiratory distress syndrome hospitalized in an intensive care unit. It has also been shown to reduce heart disease risk factors in people at higher risk of developing heart disease, including people with diabetes. The results obtained with the suppression of nausea in people with motion sickness mainly indicate that ginger root is effective compared to placebo. Ginger can also help reduce markers of oxidative stress, a condition that occurs when molecules called reactive oxygen species (ROS) overcome the body's antioxidant defenses, causing cell damage.

Therefore, it is important for women to talk to their doctor about the safety of taking ginger if they are pregnant, nursing, or about to undergo surgery.

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